What is CorePump?

by Jason Johnson May 16, 2019 3 min read

You may have come across images of the CorePump Machine in the past and quietly wondered "What the heck is that thing?".  In this blog post, I will dive into as much information as possible on what the CorePump Machine is and why you should consider adding it to your home gym.  

CorePump Machine

So what is CorePump?

The simplest answer that can be given is that CorePump is a revolutionary complete home gym wrapped up into a product that can fit in virtually any home thanks to its 4 square ft footprint.  If you can fit a chair in the room, you could fit a CorePump machine.  This revolutionary machine is so effective that it only takes 10 minutes to get a complete total-body workout while taking up a fraction of the space of traditional gym equipment.

How effective is CorePump?

The CorePump machine was created with the four pillars of fitness in mind. Those four pillars of fitness are goals that every fitness regiment should meet. These goals are improvement in cardiovascular health, strength, core and flexibility. The CorePump Machine does an amazing job of meeting those goals safely, effectively and efficiently.

Smart Resistance

The CorePump Machine uses something called “smart resistance” to provide a safer, more effective workout. Smart Resistance is used to automatically adjust to the strength and speed output of the individual in real time. This allows you to fail safely and maximize muscle endurance and strength. The CorePump Machine provides a workout twice as hard as traditional resistance exercises by utilizing isokinetic resistance. This helps to eliminate the delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) that accompanies a tough conventional workout. It will work you hard and continue to do so as you get stronger.


The CorePump machine is extremely versatile, allowing a virtually unlimited number of exercise and stretch options. This is all made possible by the 66 available handle positions, 6 settings of Smart Resistance and an adjustable pedestal. The CorePump Machine is robust enough to handle millions of repetitions without failing.

Medically Certified

The CorePump Machine has been approved as a certified piece of medical fitness equipment. It was reviewed as a medical fitness device used to strengthen cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary health. Because of this, you may actually be eligible for a tax credit when you purchase CorePump Machines according to IRS Section 44.

Why do you need a CorePump Machine?

Let’s face it. There is just not enough time in the day.  Work, family, social obligations all take time.  Before you know it the day is over and it’s time to go to bed and get ready to repeat the same cycle the next day. With all of that, it is hard to fit regular workouts into your schedule.

That is where the CorePump Machine comes into play. In just 10 minutes you can get a complete total-body workout. To get that with more traditional approaches would take at least an hour. Every day. Most people don’t have that much time to commit to fitness.

If this sounds like you, then you owe it to yourself to consider purchasing a CorePump Machine. It takes up a fraction of the space, at a fraction of the cost of a home gym.  You will be saving time, money and space.

The bottom line

I need to stop and give full disclosure that yes, we do sell CorePump Machines at Sunburst Fitness Supply. As a matter of fact, we are one of a very small number of places to buy your CorePump Machine. That said, the CorePump Machine is a fantastic buy at $1199.96. 

Don’t get me wrong, you will still need to work hard those 10 minutes (or more, why stop at 10?). This is not a magic want that will grant your dream body overnight. However, you can’t beat the total body workout the CorePump Machine gives you at this price. I would highly recommend one for every home gym.

We received some feedback that a video may be helpful so we have edited this post to include the short video below.


Jason Johnson
Jason Johnson

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